normal phase

(i have bipolar 2.)

been looking at reddit for divorce posts and stuff. this one is a gem. i am currently lurking in the comments section.

so how's it going for me? i've been in the normal zone for a few days, baby! boy i am so glad. i just perform my daily functions and complain about the super hot weather in the afternoon. stable is a little boring, but the lack of anxiety/depression makes life a lot livable.

so yeah, here is where i can take a deep breath and really say that i am fine.

i am so okay, i'm planning on putting my life on trello and get everything organized.

well, nothing's changed about my life. i still think about his kids from time to time, i'm still estranged from my own dad, i still have this 9-5 job, i still have the same issues, i'm still not pregnant and married (yet!), and i still live in the same house.

but my brain is actually functioning as it should!

i am excited to enter this “normal phase” and hopefully come up with good ideas and action plans. really gonna organize my life now.

this is it!